Thursday, October 23, 2008


I think that  the people that are  doing things with out the bosses  permission is unethical. But the people that are doing the right thing  they are doing the ethical  thing.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I think that it was an ethical situation because  you should always  do the right thing. But  it was also an unethical  situation  because some of the employs  would not tell the truth about them selfs.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I think  it is ethical and unethical because not all the employes where not working which was unethical and the other ones where is that was ethical so they where trying to do what they where supposed to.  Also that  they should always do what they  should and  they show that they are ethical.

Monday, October 20, 2008

October 20,2008

I think that it is very mean of her classmates  and that she  should tell the teacher.  Well   that she should just block her  blog.  But what she should do is not to do anything and that she should move  schools and she should just ignore  the tissing.